Friday, May 22, 2009

Family Nights for Harmony

This was e-mailed to me by Sister Cathy:

"You remember Elder & Sister Merritt who were working very closely with The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry? Well, their work bore fruit as the ministry has declared Monday nights as Family Night!

I managed to locate the articles about Family Night from the Star Online. It appeared on both 21st March & 22nd March."

Here's an excerpt from the article on 22nd March. The one on the 21st is essentially the same.

Sunday March 22, 2009

PETALING JAYA: The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry is encouraging families to spend more time together to form a strong, safe and harmonious unit.

“Each family should set one night a week as family night, to talk and share their views and problems with each other. Everyone should be treated equally and even the little ones can contribute,” Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said.

As an example, she said she had made Monday nights her ministry’s family enrichment night, to encourage her officers to spend more time with their families.

“There will be no meetings on Monday nights,” she said.

(For the full article, click here)


eclaire said...

Wow, the Lord really works in mysterious ways! The Merritt's have left this mission for a while now, but now we see the fruits. That's what the parable of the sower is all about. ^_^ I would add that it's all the Hand of the Lord at work.

Well, I hope that the church is able to work closer with the government more in the future.

Anonymous said...

Sister Claire, I believe you have a part to play to as you helped organised some of the workshops jointly held by the Ministry & LDS Charities! Well done!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that the Dass family also played a part in this. They were the family that enacted the Family Home Evening before the workshop participants from the Ministry :-)
