Sunday, March 29, 2009


President Renner read us a quote today and directed us to liken it to our branch. How appropriate it is that we adhere to this counsel, that our members may be united in love and purpose.

“We would wish the Saints to understand that, when they come here, they must not expect perfection, or that all will be harmony, peace, and love; if they indulge these ideas, they will undoubtedly be deceived, for here there are persons, not only from different states, but from different nations, who, although they feel a great attachment to the cause of truth, have their prejudices of education, and, consequently, it requires some time before these things can be overcome. Again, there are many that creep in unawares, and endeavor to sow discord, strife, and animosity in our midst, and by so doing, bring evil upon the Saints. … Therefore, let those who come up to this place be determined to keep the commandments of God, and not be discouraged by those things we have enumerated, and then they will be prospered—the intelligence of heaven will be communicated to them, and they will, eventually, see eye to eye, and rejoice in the full fruition of that glory which is reserved for the righteous.

--Joseph Smith Jr, "How Good and How Pleasant It Is ... To Dwell Together in Unity", Teachings of Presidents of The Church: Joseph Smith, 278

(For the full article, click on the title)