Monday, April 13, 2009

Biography of President Thomas S Monson: On the Lord's Errand

I was greatly blessed and edified as I watched the Biography of President Thomas S Monson: On The Lord's Errand this morning. I received a witness that he is indeed called of God and prepared by Him to be our prophet at this time. What a wonderful example of service and obedience he is throughout his life.

I am so thankful that we have a living prophet to lead us and guide us in these latter days. Let us pray for him, listen to his counsel and obey his teachings as he is the Lord's mouthpiece here upon the earth.

I have felt a great love for him and hope that you too will feel the same as you watch this wonderful movie of his life. I promise it will be one of the best 60-minute activities you'll ever spend. You can gather your family and watch it together or just watch it by yourself during your quiet time.

Embedding for this movie was disabled by request but you can click on the title here (On the Lord's Errand) and watch all the 6 segments of the movie continuously as it is on 'autoplay all'.