Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Miracles - Our Hands Are His Hands

Remember when President Renner spoke to us last Sunday about miracles and after that I shared with you about miracles that happened when I was preparing the Relief Society Birthday celebration? I experienced another one today.

Remember also that I highlighted a few articles from the Ensign and Liahona that I felt were really important to us? I've posted the Ensign magazine on the right so that you can click on it and read them.

Anyway, one of the articles I mentioned was Focussing on the Lord's Work of Salvation by Julie B Beck, our current General Relief Society President. One of the things she mentioned was: "Visiting teachers minister in behalf of the Savior. Our hands are His hands, our love is His love, and our service is His service."

Now, how did that happen? How was it that our chosen theme was also HANDS? Sisters, I believe that was a miracle. The Lord truly was mindful of us and wanted us to know and understand this concept.

There's another article that echoes the one above entitled: on faith: Relief Society united worldwide in faith and service to others.

The two Enrichment Meetings we had (The Visiting Teaching Workshop and The Relief Society Birthday) truly are tied together and you'll be able to see the connection by reading these articles. Just click on the titles.


eclaire said...

I totally agree with Sister Seet. What happened was not a coincidence. It was a miracle.

Remember also what Pres. Renner spoke about last Sunday on listening to the same Spirit, even though we are all different individuals? That's what happens when we listen to our Father in Heaven through the Holy Ghost.

The Lord wants us to be His hands, sisters. Referring to Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on "Lift Where You Stand", which will be the 4th Sunday lesson this March, let us lift others through visiting teaching and other services redered to our brothers and sisters.

“Good visiting teachers know the sisters they visit,” President Julie Beck said. “They love them, serve them and help them learn the gospel by the Spirit. They focus on fortifying homes and lives.”

So, let's be in tune with the Spirit and get busy with our hands. ^_^

Sis Claire

Susan said...

I am thankful for hands to be able to do good. What would we do without them?